Nutrients Your Body System Supported and Promoted

Nutrients Your Body Systems Supported and Promoted*
Red wine proanthocyanidins Cardiovascular
Blueberry Urinary tract and immune
Garlic Digestive and immune
Green tea extract Immune
Sprouted barley juice Cardiovascular/heart
Wheat grass juice Immune and anti-aging
Broccoli Prostate and immune
Cauliflower Circulation and immune
Spirulina Nervous and tissue
Chlorella Cardiovascular and immune
Green papaya extract Digestive and skin
Beet extract Immune
Apple pectin Immune and lungs
Bromelain Respiratory and digestive
Rose hips Skeletal
Lemon bioflavonoids Immune
Rutin Circulatory and immune
Hesperidin Vascular and immune
  • Kale -- provides healthy prostate support*
  • Spinach -- helps support your cardiovascular and immune systems*
  • Carrot -- assists optimal vision and cholesterol level*
  • Radish -- supports your digestive, respiratory, and nervous systems*
  • Celery -- provides you with skeletal and nervous system support*
  • Apricot -- promotes your respiratory and immune systems*
  • Blackberry -- helps support your digestive and immune systems*
  • Cranberry -- supports your urinary tract and cardiovascular system*
  • Grape -- promotes healthy circulation and cholesterol level*
  • Pineapple -- provides healthy respiratory and digestive support*
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