Indications and Contraindications


Abdominal Distention/Flatulence Allergies Arthritis Bad Breath Barium Enema Body Odor Chronic Fatigue Colitis Diarrhea Dysbiosis (Intestinal Flora Imbalance) Fever Footaches GERD Hemorrhoids IBS Leaky Gut Syndrome Paraplegics and Quadriplegics (Bowel Training) PMS Skin Problems Yeast Infections Acute Fecal Impaction Antibiotic Use Atonic Colon Backaches Bloating Candida Constipation Diabetes Diverticulosis Fasting Cleanse Fibromyalgia Gastritis/Hypochlorhydria Headaches Hyper/Hypothermia Indigestion Menstruation Parasitic Infestations SIgmoidoscopy and Colonoscopy Surgical Preparation

Indications Under Doctor Prescription/Supervision:

Chemotherapy/Radiation Diverticulitis Crohn's Disease Early Pregnancy


Abdominal Hernia Carcinoma of the Colon Congestive Heart Failure GI Hemorrhage/Perforation Recent Abdominal Surgery (within 6 months) Severe Hemorrhoids Uncontrolled Hypertension Aneurysm Cirrhosis Fissures/Fistulas Renal Insufficiency Severe Anemia Ulcerative Colitis

Part Of Detox:

Lose coffee, dairy, wheat, alcohol, and refined sugar. Coffee stresses your liver and pancreas, both vital in producing enzymes to assist in digesting food and neutralizing toxins. Lactose/Diary is the one allergy throughout the world. Casein and whey proteins are large molecules that are well digested only by baby cow. Wheat is the number two allergy in America. Wheat is bleached with methyl mercury and is very high in gluten. 68% of Americans are unknowingly allergic to gluten, which creates a glue-like-build-up along the intestinal wall. This creates congestion and constipation. Alcohol creates an excess build-up of aldehydes, creating a toxic burden to the liver. If these toxins cannot be neutralized increased fermentation develops in the colon. Alcohol robs the body of vital minerals and vitamins all necessary for a well functioning intestinal tract. Refined sugar lowers immunity, stresses the pancreas and the liver. Increases putrification and fermentation in the bowel. Irritates the mucosal lining, thereby increasing mucus throughout the body.